SeqAn3 3.3.0-rc.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::detail::minimiser_view< urng1_t, urng2_t >::basic_iterator< const_range > Class Template Reference

Iterator for calculating minimisers. More...

#include <seqan3/search/views/minimiser.hpp>

Public Types

Associated types
using difference_type = std::ranges::range_difference_t< urng1_t >
 Type for distances between iterators.
using value_type = std::ranges::range_value_t< urng1_t >
 Value type of this iterator.
using pointer = void
 The pointer type.
using reference = value_type
 Reference to value_type.
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag
 Tag this class as a forward iterator.
using iterator_concept = iterator_category
 Tag this class as a forward iterator.

Public Member Functions

constexpr urng1_iterator_t base () &&
 Return the underlying iterator. It will point to the last element in the current window.
constexpr urng1_iterator_t const & base () const &noexcept
 Return the underlying iterator. It will point to the last element in the current window.
value_type operator* () const noexcept
 Return the minimiser.
basic_iteratoroperator++ () noexcept
basic_iterator operator++ (int) noexcept
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 basic_iterator ()=default
 basic_iterator (basic_iterator const &)=default
 basic_iterator (basic_iterator &&)=default
basic_iteratoroperator= (basic_iterator const &)=default
basic_iteratoroperator= (basic_iterator &&)=default
 ~basic_iterator ()=default
 basic_iterator (basic_iterator<!const_range > const &it)
 Allow iterator on a const range to be constructible from an iterator over a non-const range.
 basic_iterator (urng1_iterator_t urng1_iterator, urng1_sentinel_t urng1_sentinel, urng2_iterator_t urng2_iterator, size_t window_size)
 Construct from begin and end iterators of a given range over std::totally_ordered values, and the number of values per window. More...

Private Types

using urng1_iterator_t = maybe_const_iterator_t< const_range, urng1_t >
 The iterator type of the first underlying range.
using urng1_sentinel_t = maybe_const_sentinel_t< const_range, urng1_t >
 The sentinel type of the first underlying range.
using urng2_iterator_t = maybe_const_iterator_t< const_range, urng2_t >
 The iterator type of the second underlying range.

Private Member Functions

void advance_window ()
 Advances the window to the next position.
bool next_minimiser ()
 Calculates the next minimiser value. More...
void next_unique_minimiser ()
 Increments iterator by 1.
void window_first (size_t const window_size)
 Calculates minimisers for the first window.
auto window_value () const
 Returns new window value.

Private Attributes

size_t minimiser_position_offset {}
 The offset relative to the beginning of the window where the minimizer value is found.
value_type minimiser_value {}
 The minimiser value.
urng1_iterator_t urng1_iterator {}
 Iterator to the rightmost value of one window.
urng1_sentinel_t urng1_sentinel {}
 brief Iterator to last element in range.
urng2_iterator_t urng2_iterator {}
 Iterator to the rightmost value of one window of the second range.
std::deque< value_typewindow_values {}
 Stored values per window. It is necessary to store them, because a shift can remove the current minimiser.


Comparison operators

bool operator== (basic_iterator const &lhs, basic_iterator const &rhs)
 Compare to another basic_iterator.
bool operator!= (basic_iterator const &lhs, basic_iterator const &rhs)
 Compare to another basic_iterator.
bool operator== (basic_iterator const &lhs, sentinel const &)
 Compare to the sentinel of the minimiser_view.
bool operator== (sentinel const &lhs, basic_iterator const &rhs)
 Compare to the sentinel of the minimiser_view.
bool operator!= (sentinel const &lhs, basic_iterator const &rhs)
 Compare to the sentinel of the minimiser_view.
bool operator!= (basic_iterator const &lhs, sentinel const &rhs)
 Compare to the sentinel of the minimiser_view.

Detailed Description

template<std::ranges::view urng1_t, std::ranges::view urng2_t = std::ranges::empty_view<seqan3::detail::empty_type>>
template<bool const_range>
class seqan3::detail::minimiser_view< urng1_t, urng2_t >::basic_iterator< const_range >

Iterator for calculating minimisers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ basic_iterator()

template<std::ranges::view urng1_t, std::ranges::view urng2_t = std::ranges::empty_view<seqan3::detail::empty_type>>
template<bool const_range>
seqan3::detail::minimiser_view< urng1_t, urng2_t >::basic_iterator< const_range >::basic_iterator ( urng1_iterator_t  urng1_iterator,
urng1_sentinel_t  urng1_sentinel,
urng2_iterator_t  urng2_iterator,
size_t  window_size 

Construct from begin and end iterators of a given range over std::totally_ordered values, and the number of values per window.

[in]urng1_iteratorIterator pointing to the first position of the first std::totally_ordered range.
[in]urng1_sentinelIterator pointing to the last position of the first std::totally_ordered range.
[in]urng2_iteratorIterator pointing to the first position of the second std::totally_ordered range.
[in]window_sizeThe number of values in one window.

Looks at the number of values per window in two ranges, returns the smallest between both as minimiser and shifts then by one to repeat this action. If a minimiser in consecutive windows is the same, it is returned only once.

Member Function Documentation

◆ next_minimiser()

template<std::ranges::view urng1_t, std::ranges::view urng2_t = std::ranges::empty_view<seqan3::detail::empty_type>>
template<bool const_range>
bool seqan3::detail::minimiser_view< urng1_t, urng2_t >::basic_iterator< const_range >::next_minimiser ( )

Calculates the next minimiser value.

True, if new minimiser is found or end is reached. Otherwise returns false.

For the following windows, we remove the first window value (is now not in window_values) and add the new value that results from the window shifting.

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